TEACHER : Dwi Oktariani | DATE : November 28th 2012 |
GRADE : The third grade of Senior high school even semester | SPECIFIC TOPIC : Integral of parsial |
INSTRUCTIONAL GOAL Students can solve dan clearers about integral with the problems and using it in the daily life. | |
PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE 1. Students can understand about integral in the daily life problems. 2. Students can counting the integral with the integral parsial formula. 3. Students active in team work to solve problems about integral parsial. | |
RATIONALE Integral have many happen in daily life and students can founds it in every where for example who using the integral is when we wants to counting speed from a car or the motor cycle. | |
LESSON CONTENT 1. Make a example usage integral in the students daily life. 2. Students can be make problems from the example. 3. Students can be solve the problems with the integral parsial formula. | |
INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Playing games who have punishmen for students to make students remembered the last lesson. 2. Make team work of 3-4 students in class 3. Students have a case study to must their solve. 4. Students identification the problem 5. Students discuss about the problem in the small group 6. Every group presentation about their solution 7. Teacher analize the problem with students 8. Teacher explaining again the materi to make a students more clearers about the material. 9. Teacher give exercise to students. 10. Students make reflection. | |
EVALUATION PROCEDURES Teacher asks the students to make example problem about integral from their activity and suice to other students to solve the problems with discuss. | |
MATERIALS AND AIDS Ball, inclined plane, whitebroad, Powerpoint presentation, big paper. |
TEACHER : Dwi Oktariani | DATE : November 18th 2012 |
COURSE TITLE : Deret and Line | LESSON NUMBER : 2 |
GRADE : The third grade of Senior high school odd semester | SPECIFIC TOPIC : Solve number pattern in deret and line |
INSTRUCTIONAL GOAL Students can solve the problems about deret and line and use it in daily activity. | |
PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE 1. Students can understand the problem from the games and make number pattern deret and line from the text problem in group or induvidual. 2. Students active in team work to solve problems about deret and line. | |
RATIONALE Because students will found many problems in their activities that can solve by deret and line such as a counting deret to happen in bouncing ball. | |
LESSON CONTENT 1. How to understand deret and line from the problems 2. How the steps to solve the deret and line 3. How to use deret and line from problems in our daily activity | |
INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Playing games to make students understand what the lesson last. 2. Make team work of 3-4 students in class 3. Students playing ball to make a problems about deret and line 4. Students identification the problem 5. Students discuss about the problem in the small group 6. Every group presentation about their solution 7. Teacher analize the problem with students 8. Teacher explain more again the material to make students understand. 9. Teacher give exercise to students. 10. Students make reflection. | |
EVALUATION PROCEDURES Teacher asks the students to make example problem about deret and line from their activity and suice to other students to solve the problems. | |
MATERIALS AND AIDS Small ball, whitebroad, Powerpoint presentation, big paper. |
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